Healing from Childhood Trauma

The abuse and toxic stress which Corey faced in his childhood presented challenges for him which lasted well into adulthood. Now he wants to share his story with you, how he has healed, and how it has been a blessing for him which he wouldn’t change because it has shaped the person he has become.

What he covers:

  • His struggles growing up in a dysfunctional family.

  • Adverse Childhood Experiences: What they are, and the data which shows people are more likely to engage in health risk behavior and have negative health outcomes.

  • Toxic Stress: What causes it, how it affects your nervous system and how it can create life long problems.

  • Understanding that no matter what difficulties you face early in life, that you can rise up and become the best version of yourself. 

  • Understanding you are strong by seeking help from a professional.

  • The importance of developing a mindfulness practice.

  • How you can begin to let go of the past and learn how to nurture yourself.

  • Learn to forgive yourself and have compassion for others.

  • Don’t let what others think become your reality.

  • Always come from a place of love.

  • Everything you need to become great is already within you.

  • You cannot change your past, but the meaning you give it is up to you.

  • You can break the cycle of abuse in your family and nurture your children so they will flourish